The Giving Season: Giving to Yorklands Green Hub Gives a Future to Guelph




Giving to Yorklands gives a future to Guelph!

Your donation will help to make the Yorklands Green Hub a reality. Donations will be used to support programming, community events, promotion materials and operation costs. Programs include Ten Tall Trees, Polli-Patches and Foodsters Learning.

(We are a registered non-profit organization but are not yet charitable. However, we will receipt upon request.)

There are many ways to give:

PayPal (Click this link and go to the Donate button:

 Interac e-transfer (Send to

Mailing a cheque (Yorklands Green Hub, 42 Carden Street, Guelph, N1H 3A2)

Donate Monthly: You can also donate on a monthly basis โ€“ a modest amount each month from many supporters gives us a fixed and dependable source of income. You can do this online by choosing the monthly option in Paypal, or if you prefer, you can e-transfer monthly to

Your donation will be recognized publicly, unless you request anonymity

We offer complimentary memberships to donors. Please share your email address if you would like to become a member as well.

Thank you for your support and for helping to bring the Yorklands vision of the future into being!