Design Projects
We have in the past investigated designs with input from university students and the community at large.
These plans, as well as those from other students and the interested public, will be taken into consideration when a design is finalized. In the meantime, they provide an inspiring look into the possibilities of a green hub.
Net Metering Proposal-Guelph Solar
Project Haven-University of Waterloo design students
Solar Greenhouse-Travis Cranmer
Yorklands Master Plan by Natalie Gibbs
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Roots to Resources by Kaitlyn Bisch
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Fresh Fields by Maddy Armstrong
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Green City Hub by Connor Flannery
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Green Door by Ruby Sanderson
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What projects would you like to see happen at the Yorklands Green Hub site?
Over the years we have had various verbal proposals and now we have a project application to post on our website so that people can see the ideas possible for various parts of Parcel Two.
Click Here for Project Application
Future Project Ideas:
Children’s garden
Childrens playground – eco play- with splash pad and picnic tables nearby
Indigenous garden
Heritage garden around the superintendent’s house
Medicinal garden related to 1900’s
Pavilion design for various uses of nature education and research
Outdoor open sided pavilion over picnic tables on the superintendent’s lawn
Workshop on site for carpentry and gardening
Greenhouses – solar capacity
Irrigation systems for Greenhouses
Add interpretive signage along trails
Board walks along wetlands
Solar greenhouse for community coop growing “Greens for Guelph”
Year round solar plus greenhouse with aquaculture inside
Future Plans:
Increase diverse native trees along trails
GUFF pollination chart
Would you like to take the lead on a project or two , form a committee, fundraise and design it… fill out the Project Application Form and email it to