Starting this spring, Yorklands Green Hub introduces a pilot project:  Polli-Patches! This program aims to support pollinators in East Guelph by creating small habitats of native perennial plants around existing trees on a property.

Each participating family will receive the resources, materials and professional horticultural support to create a thriving urban pollinator habitat. The Polli-Patch package, valued at $300, will include:

●  six living native perennial pollinator plants and one small pollinator shrub or tree selected to bloom at different times throughout the pollinating season;

●  an education package that will include: habitat planting and maintenance instructions, a copy of relevant municipal by-laws, pollinator identification guides and other useful and informative resources; (available online on purpose-built website or printed if requested)

●  a pollinator garden identification sign;

●  bi-monthly in-person professional horticultural support from the project coordinator to ensure the pollinator habitat thrives throughout the 2020 growing season.

Participants will learn how to care for their new plants, identify and track the different pollinator species that visit their new garden throughout the season, and create awareness of these vital insects. This is a FREE program but donations are appreciated to support our programming. To apply for a Polli-Patch please contact Kiki: