Go Fly a Kite!




A family activity that’s
Covid 19-friendly!

Enjoy the summer with this fun activity for your household! Enter our draw to win one of 7 gift certificates of $40 from Wild Birds Unlimited, the Bookshelf, or Wyndham Arts to further enjoy your interest in the environment.ย  There is also an extra draw for $100 for participating organizations, schools, and classes. All draws take place on September 30, 2020.

Participation Requirements:

In an email, please complete the requirements below and send them to noticing@yorklandsgreenhub.ca with subject line Kites for Yorklands by September 30thย  at 6pm.

  • Make a homemade kite. Choose a nature or environmental theme: bird, sun, stars, insect, frog,  WeLoveYorklands, flower, etc.
  • Indicate the name(s) of kite builder(s)
  • Take 3 photos of:
    • You and/or your team making your kite.
    • Your finished kite (a kite close-up) .
    • You and/or your team flying your kite in a Guelph park.
  • Indicate if we can share your photo(s) in our Yorklands promotions & publications (ie. newsletter, social media, website, etc)

DO NOT fly your kite at the Yorklands site because of the nearby Airpark. Three great parks for flying kites are Riverside Park, Margaret Greene Park, and Eastview Community and Pollination Park.

This event is gratefully sponsored by Magna/Polycon Industries in Guelph

Background on Kites and Links for Making Your Own

Did you know that kites were used to deliver messages and newspapers during the American Civil War? Kites were also used during World War I to deliver messages as well as cargo. And throughout the centuries, kites have been a way for people to express themselves through art. 

If you havenโ€™t made a kite before, hereโ€™s how:

If youโ€™re looking for a challenge, try a one of these techniques:

Remember, these links are just to get you started and definitely are not the limit. Be as creative as you like! We canโ€™t wait to see what you come up with.

Wind forecast in Guelph https://www.windfinder.com/forecast/guelph

This kite is made of straight dry twigs, glue, string and plastic bag.