Calling all Existing and Future Members!
Yorklands Green Hub has been around for about 5 years as an incorporated non-profit. I am one of its most recent members and new part-time Executive Director. After convincing my wife and children to join me on the monthly guided Sunday Blue Dot trail walk in June, I also persuaded them to join as Members.
Collectively, we YGH Members are a community of interest. Some Members know each other where as others may not know one another, or even live within Guelph, but care about the lands surrounded by York Road and Watson Parkway in the East end of the City which could be protected and enjoyed in perpetuity while demonstrating urban sustainability and resilience – the Vision of YGH. I’m sure there are many others living in and around Guelph, as well as people passing through, who may also share this interest. To be direct – we need your expressed support, at least as a new or renewing member, to realize the Vision which has been described as a pipe dream.
The term pipe dream has often been used to communicate the unlikelihood of something occurring to the proponents of a goal. History has many examples of proponents who have pursued their goal regardless in order to realize their dream at an individual, community or even national scale. The YGH Vision in my mind is a long-term ambitious goal that can become closer to a reality in part based on how much this community of interest can grow and show unity, involvement and tenacity. Many YGH members have been involved since the beginning of this journey and I applaud you for encouraging or inspiring others to be a part of something special growing n this City.
Guelph has been a hot spot of leadership and innovation in sustainability for some time with recent examples including having the first Green Party Member of the Provincial Parliament, a commitment of City Council to become carbon neutral by 2050 and renewed support for its Community Energy Initiative, as well as becoming a finalist in the national Smart Cities Challenge which proposes that Guelph develop a circular sustainable food economy. These examples all overlap with the YGH Vision which excites me for the potential for this dream becoming woven into the cluster of activity currently within the City working towards a better tomorrow.
To reach its ambitious long term goal, to turn dreamers into believers and champions, YGH needs to harness the interest and talent of its Membership as well as value your involvement. One way we can do that is to reach out and ask that, if you are a current member, please let us know why you think YGH Vision is a worthwhile dream and furthermore, how you may be a part of pursing this Vision and send them to . If you are not a member yet – visit our website, join one of the many chances to have a guided tour of the lands and/or start a dialogue with a Board Member or myself to be part of a special legacy that our generation, our community, can leave for others to enjoy now and into the future.
-ED (Executive Dave)