Become an active participant in the process of realizing our dream for 70 beautiful acres of the former Guelph Reformatory.  To add your input to a committee, please contact

The standing committees are:

– includes treasurer, fundraising, grants acquisitions, audits, budgets
– ensure the integrity and health of finances of the organization
– review and recommend long-range financial plan based on strategic plan
– review and recommend annual operating budget
– review and recommend budgets for programs and events
– research and apply for government and foundation grants
– strategize, plan and implement fundraising i.e. events, projects, direct donations
– strategize, plan and implement capital campaign for purchase of land
– when needed, engage an auditor

– create policies to ensure that the organization works well
– review and revise by-laws as needed
– review and recommend organizational systems, such as internal communications, rules of meetings , policies such as rights and responsibilities of the Board
– oversee legal matters i.e. application for charitable status, hiring of staff

– oversee the process of purchasing the land
– build relationships locally, regionally and provincially with organizations,
politicians, public servants and others who will help champion the acquisition of the land, including the superintendent’s house
– continue current connections such as Ontario Land Trust Alliance, City of Guelph, Ontario Heritage Trust, various provincial Ministries

PEP, which includes:

INFORMATION TABLE: training and support is given to volunteers to manage our information table at our events, other public events and the Guelph Farmers’ Market.  New volunteers will be partnered with experienced table managers.

– with input from the Board, coordinate the planning and implementation of community and fundraising events
– determine strategies to maximize attendance
– support the Volunteer Coordinator in engaging and scheduling volunteers from the membership to implement the event
– assess the success of the event; recommend improvements 

– develop year-round, seasonal programming relevant to the 4 pillars of food, water, energy and heritage/culture that will engage the community
– develop programming tied to the Ontario curriculum as well the needs of the community
– work with the Finance committee to develop a budget for each activity
– plan, implement and evaluate programs using a standardized form
– research possible in-kind donations of materials, services

– create and disseminate promotional materials such as brochures, buttons, bookmarks, flyers, posters
– manage social media: website, facebook, twitter

– create quarterly newsletter
– create more frequent ebulletins
– manage sending newsletters and ebulletins via Mailchimp or other platform

-determine strategies for promotion and ensure that they are followed;

-broaden the audience by determining how to engage the community in an inclusive way