Painting plays a very significant part in my life. The strong desire to pursue the world of art began early in my childhood.  Considerable time was spent at the family cottage painting the beautiful scenery at the lake in Muskoka. The medium I use is predominately oil paint, which  began when studying art at Sheridan College and then traditional oil glazing in 2004.  I was fortunate to be able to learn painterly skills under the mentorship of award winning painters.  

All aspects of art inspire me and at this point I pursue painting abstractive forms.  My painting style has been described as “impressionistic”. I revel in expressing myself with colours that contrast one another when ever possible.  I have a strong desire to explore my artistic creativeness, making this my life’s goal.

Title: “Remembrance of Another Era”
Size: 12” x 12”
Medium: Oil on canvas
Value: $550
Minimum Bid: $450